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AUMVEDAS ACADEMY - Chakra Assessment with Pendulum - Update
Since my last video on this subject, I, too have learnt more about Chakras and wanted to share this with you.Many already have studied...
Easter and Ostara: Converging Traditions
Many of those preparing to celebrate Easter may not realize there are others planning to celebrate Ostara at the same time. The two...
AUMVEDAS ACADEMY - Easter and Ostara: Converging Traditions February 15, 2020
Many of those preparing to celebrate Easter may not realize there are others planning to celebrate Ostara at the same time. The two holidays
Dowsing the Chakras in Reiki
Dowsing the Chakras October 06, 2017 Rev Dr Catherine W Dunne D.D.,RGN, WMA , RGMT, RMP, RHP, Healing Minister, Co-Founder and Teacher at...
AUMVEDAS ACADEMY: The Meaning of Feng Shui
Feng Shui (which is pronounced ‘Fung Shway’) is an ancient Chinese practice that has been around for thousands of years and which...
AUMVEDAS ACADEMY - Reiki Blog Part three - Reiki Vs Taoism and Ho’oponopono
Reiki was discovered in the 1920’s. Taoism is ca 2500 to 3000+ yrs old. The Dao Monks studied the Human, done autopsies, studied the...
Ancient Civilizations Pleiadians Light Council was formed approx 200,000 years ago this was after the first Great Galactic War. The...
Reiki in person Vs Reiki by distance Part 2 of 3
Thank you for coming back to read more about my Reiki experience. In my last Blog, I spoke about the history of our three Reiki Masters....
Google+ Aumvedas Catalog Saturday, 19 November 2016 AUMVEDAS ACADEMY - WHO ARE THE ORIGINAL REIKI MASTERS? Part One by C.W. Dunne (RGMT)...
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